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The Sleep at Night Portfolio: Make Your Own Pension (WSJ)

New ways to create a gold-plated pensionBY ELEANOR LAISE,
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal — 10/30/10
The financial crisis has given some investors a case of pension envy. In an era of volatile markets, the idea of steady, guaranteed payments for life holds obvious appeal.
The problem, of course, is that investors are less likely than ever to get that kind of deal from their employer. Companies tend to be freezing their pensions or closing them entirely, rather than beefing them up. About a third of today's Fortune 100 companies have frozen or closed a pension plan since 1998, according to consulting firm Towers Watson.

But that doesn't mean investors can't set up their own. New tools are emerging to help investors fashion portfolios that mimic the steady payments generated by the pension plans of yore.

The trick: to focus more on constructing a portfolio to cover future expenses—not just maximize returns—and to rethink old retirement-planning rules of thumb, such as a "safe" portfolio withdrawal rate of 4% annually.

Financial firms and advisers are catering to the demand for pension-like portfolios. New bond-based products can be tailored to produce income to pay living expenses for a period of, say, five or 10 years, leaving a significant chunk of the portfolio to invest in higher-growth assets with long-term potential. Some target-date mutual funds, meanwhile, are aiming to match their investments to the expenses investors face in retirement.

The new strategies often mean heftier helpings of bonds and inflation-fighting investments like real estate and commodities. While bigger bond holdings can mean lower returns, the approach also can give investors the confidence to stick with the more volatile stock investments in other parts of their portfolio, advisers say—reducing the chance they will sell shares at a market bottom.

When investors know that a few years' worth of basic expenses are covered by safe, high-quality bonds, "they can sit back and worry a whole heck of a lot less" about stocks' ups and downs, says Joe Chrisman, director at wealth-management firm Lourd Capital Management, which uses a pension-style approach with clients.

The most painful part of the process may be simply saving more. Since the financial crisis, "there's been a much greater recognition that the markets are not going to rescue everyone," says Timothy Noonan, managing director at Russell Investments. Building a secure retirement "is not a function of going and finding higher returns."

The pension approach seems to work: Over the long term, defined-benefit pension plans have outperformed 401(k) plans by roughly 1 percentage point annually, according to Towers Watson.

Small investors can't—and shouldn't—invest exactly like pension plans, though. For a pension plan acting on behalf of many beneficiaries, with people entering and retiring each year, the age of an individual worker makes little difference. But a person investing on his own must tone down portfolio risk—and generally accept lower returns—as he approaches retirement.

Pension plans also can buy into some investments that most small investors can't access, such as hedge funds and private equity, and get better deals on fees.

That isn't to say pension plans have some magic formula. Many suffered big losses in 2008, for example, though overall they held up better than 401(k)s, according to Towers Watson.

Neither type of retirement plan provides the perfect answer, says Zvi Bodie, a finance and economics professor at Boston University School of Management. "We need to combine the best of both."

Annuities may seem the simplest solution for investors seeking a steady income stream. One approach: Buy an immediate annuity that provides for basic expenses, leaving other parts of the portfolio to cover nonessentials
. A number of firms now are working to marry funds with annuities within 401(k) plans.

Still, many advisers suggest investors first consider the greater flexibility, and often lower costs, that can come with a do-it-yourself approach.

A homemade pension plan starts by acknowledging that people, like companies, have a balance sheet with both assets and liabilities, advisers say. The liabilities include the money you will spend on food, shelter, travel and other expenses. Yet advisers and money managers traditionally have focused mostly on the assets, trying to maximize investment returns for a given level of risk.

Pensions, by contrast, are more likely to employ liability-driven investing, choosing particular investments to match their future expenses. Investors can do this, too—by buying long-term bonds, for example, to match payments to be made decades from now.New tools can help people size up future expenses. At goalgami.com, a free calculator launched earlier this year by financial-planning technology firm Advisor Software Inc., people can enter information on their income, assets, debt and long-term goals like real-estate purchases. Taking a lifetime view of the "household balance sheet," rather than a single snapshot, the tool analyzes whether future sources of cash will pay the bills and cover other retirement costs.

Most people want to maintain their standard of living in retirement. So if you have just retired and live comfortably on $100,000 a year, you want that income to keep up with inflation as long as you live, says Tom Idzorek, chief investment officer at Morningstar Inc.'s Ibbotson Associates.

A "laddered" portfolio of Treasury inflation-protected securities, or TIPS, can help. Investors who buy TIPS that mature in each year of retirement ensure a steady income stream that rises with inflation and matches spending, Mr. Idzorek says.

Ibbotson in recent years has been designing target-date fund strategies with retirement liabilities in mind. It has built two sample portfolios—one using traditional asset allocation and one with a liability-focused approach—that have roughly the same allocations to stocks and bonds. But the liability-focused portfolio allocates roughly 28% to assets that can act as inflation hedges, including commodities and real estate, versus about 16% in the traditional portfolio.

Since people are likely to spend their retirement money in U.S. dollars, they also can more closely match their assets with their liabilities by investing more in U.S. stocks and bonds as they approach retirement, Mr. Idzorek says. In the sample portfolios, the liability-focused approach devotes only about 8% to non-U.S. holdings, versus about 18% in the traditional portfolio.

The liability-focused portfolio's expected return, 5.9%, is only slightly less than the 6.4% expected in the traditional portfolio, according to Ibbotson.

Of course, given the recent bond rally, it can be pricey to match many years' worth of retirement expenses with TIPS and other bond investments. Asset Dedication LLC, a Mill Valley, Calif., money-management firm, aims to address that by building custom bond portfolios to produce precisely the income to cover client expenses for a given number of years, leaving plenty to invest in higher-growth assets.

The firm's Defined Income product, launched this year, invests in certificates of deposit, TIPS and other high-quality bonds and holds them to maturity. Bulking up on fixed-income might seem counterintuitive right now. But by holding bonds to maturity and then rolling them over, the strategy can capitalize on higher yields later.
If a client wants to spend $50,000 in each of the next five years but also wants to buy a vacation home in year three, the account can help plan for that, says Mr. Chrisman of Lourd Capital, which uses the Asset Dedication program and other liability-driven strategies with clients.

Mickey Patrick, 57 years old, says his do-it-yourself pension allows him to stop worrying about short-term stock-market swings. Mr. Patrick, a technology manager in Houston, earlier this year started investing most of his individual retirement account in TIPS, CDs and other high-quality bond holdings. Though several financial advisers had told him to keep most of the money in stocks, Mr. Patrick determined that the account needed to cover only about one-fourth of his retirement spending, since a pension and Social Security would provide the rest—and therefore he didn't need to take that much risk.

"They said I was crazy," Mr. Patrick says. But while he used to check market moves daily, now "I don't worry at all about it," he says.

People who are focused on matching investment assets with retirement "liabilities" challenge some conventional retirement-planning wisdom. One rule of thumb says investors should have a stock allocation equal to 100 minus their age. (A 40-year-old, for example, would keep 60% in stocks.) But Boston University's Mr. Bodie says risk-averse investors, even younger ones, might want to put most of their money in safer assets.
Bob Kirchner, 63, a retired economist in Fort Washington, Md., has found that a liability-matching strategy reverses the traditional planning process. Instead of first deciding to put, say, 50% in stocks, he says, it's "let's get all this safe stuff lined up first," leaving stock decisions for later. He now has more than half of his portfolio in TIPS.

Liability-driven investing also involves rethinking the "safe" portfolio-withdrawal rate. Many advisers say retirees can withdraw 4% of their initial retirement balance a year, adjusting annually for inflation. But while the 4% spending rule is rigid, the investments tend not to be. Someone might automatically spend a preset amount, disregarding the fact that his portfolio has gained or lost, say, 30% over the past year. With the 4% rule, "there's a chance you'll wind up with nothing, and there's a bigger chance you'll leave quite a bit," says William Sharpe, a professor of finance, emeritus, at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

A bill introduced in Congress last year would require 401(k)s to show participants a projected monthly retirement income based on their current account balance, instead of just a simple lump sum. Russell Investments is developing tools to help financial advisers look at similar metrics for clients' portfolios, says Russell's Mr. Noonan.

If investors can look at their progress in terms of their personal goals rather than market events, Mr. Noonan says, "it's easier for them to remain invested when the market is doing scary gyrating things."

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